Read about the growing and mysterious drone threat, drone mitigation techniques, and
C-UAS technology capabilities — in our January newsletter
Selected news, content,
incidents, and information about C-UAS, and the counter-drone world, from a D-Fend
perspective, based on our vision of enabling a flourishing and secure drone-powered
society by safely defending against rogue drone threats.
Lincoln Bloomfield Jr., former Assistant
Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, addresses the growing drone
threat and the importance of effective C-UAS solutions.
Bloomfield highlights the advantages of
RF-cyber-based C-UAS technology, noting its ability to mitigate unauthorized drones
safely and precisely without risking collateral damage. D-Fend Solutions’ EnforceAir
system is mentioned as an example of this cutting-edge technology, pointing out its
successful deployments at high-profile events.
Experts Urge Action to Close Gaps in
Airspace Awareness and Empower Local Law Enforcement
With a swirl of media attention surrounding
mysterious drone sightings in the skies above NJ and other states, experts in drone
systems and C-UAS technology are calling for greater use of drone-detection systems
by civilian infrastructure owners.
experts advise calm over New Jersey sightings. Although politicians have called to
shoot them down, experts say the lights are likely legal drones, planes – or