Drone Detection and Mitigation Challenges:

  • Do you need to track at longer distances with more precise location accuracy, and with more accurate, protocol aware drone identification?
  • Do you need better day and night, all weather drone identification capabilities?
  • Is your current C-UAS form factor too big, unwieldy, and inflexible, without needed deployment options and with deployment too slow and too labor-intensive?


Consider the D-Fend EnforceAir Cyber C-UAS Advantage:

Unique cyber drone detection and takeover mitigation system

Full takeover and safe route safe landing of leading advanced protocol drones

Long-range, accurate location tracking and detection

Day and night, weather-agnostic system

Accurate, precise, granular, protocol aware identification

Autonomous mode capabilities

Minimal operational labor required for identification and mitigation

Non-jamming, non-kinetic, cyber mitigation for operational continuity

No false positive detections

Mobile vehicular deployment option

Fast one-man deployment

Small form factor, with multiple deployment configurations for operational flexibility

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Tell us about your use case to learn more!