About the customer

Asian Government Prioritizes National Security with EnforceAir

The country’s state security service and aviation safety department sought robust protection against hostile drone threats to safeguard the country’s president and VIP officials, both domestically and abroad.

Recognizing the critical need for effective C-UAS protection, they turned to D-Fend Solutions.

D-Fend Solutions’ EnforceAir emerged as the ideal choice for overcoming hostile drone incursions. Leveraging advanced RF cyber technology, EnforceAir was shown to excel in detecting and identifying the most dangerous and prevalent drone threats in real-lifescenarios, providing precise locations of the drones and their pilots.

Core product and vendor attributes made EnforceAir the preferred solution. Firstly, successful testing within the country instilled confidence in its efficacy. Secondly, its versatility in deployment options—ranging from tactical and stationary setups to mobile and manportable configurations—ensured adaptability to diverse operational requirements. Moreover, the professionalism and transparency exhibited by D-Fend Solutions further cemented trust in their capabilities.

By implementing D-Fend Solutions’ EnforceAir, the state security service and aviation safety department fortified their defenses against drone threats, bolstering security for key figures and critical locations.


The state security service and its associated special forces – have mission-critical tasks:

  • Protect the president and others, whether in private residences or at ceremonies and events
  • Identify, prevent, and suppress any threat
  • Maintain public order and security at protected facilities and residences
  • Defense and counter-terrorism


Threats posed by unmanned aerial vehicles persist in the country. Every year, the number of drones increases, with threats both on the borders and deeper within the country. One of the main threats is the security risks from drones photographing and observing classified objects that must be protected from unauthorized viewers, such as government buildings, military installations, or major events. The illegal use of unmanned aerial vehicles can lead to the leakage of confidential information or a security violation endangering the population. Such incidents can lead to dire consequences and threats to national security.

To prevent such incidents, defensive measures against air attacks must be developed and implemented, as well as controls over the use of unmanned aerial vehicles within the country. In addition, legislation was enacted that would regulate the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and assign liability for illegal use.


Over a prolonged period, the country has been engaged in obtaining and implementing a proper counter-drone detection and mitigation system. Demonstrations and evaluations of different systems were performed, including D-Fend Solutions’ EnforceAir. Other systems were proven to be inadequate for sensitive governmental environments, with low success rates.

The decisive differentiator was the fact that, unlike other anti-drone solutions, EnforceAir uses non-jamming and non-kinetic RF cyber technology to safely mitigate drone threats, without affecting communications or increasing the likelihood of collateral damage. The successful testing of EnforceAir in the country was a major decisive factor in choosing the system for full installation.
EnforceAir was initially implemented on covert vehicles and is now used constantly to help ensure the security of the country’s president and VIP officials, both domestically and abroad.


The main benefits and advantages that D-Fend Solutions and EnforceAir brought to the country’s security operations were:

  • Minimal to no impact on communications and other vital equipment
  • Easy integration with other systems, counteracting non-commercial, military drones
  • Capability understanding and transparency
  • Real-time cyber takeover in multiple use cases and scenarios
  • Ability to operate in RF noisy and otherwise sensitive environments
  • No false alerts and no need for line-of-sight
  • Operational flexibility
  • Future readiness Going forward, the country is engaging in further pilot projects, to expand the deployment of the system in additional sectors, including airports, events, stadiums, and arenas.
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